İki Toplumlu Barış İnisiyatifinden Araştırmacı Gazeteci Sevgül Uludağ’a Destek


Araştırmacı Gazeteci Sevgül Uludağ, Nobel Barış Ödülü’ne Aday Gösterildi

Birleşik Kıbrıs – İki Toplumlu Barış İnisiyatifi, araştırmacı gazeteci Sevgül Uludağ’ın Nobel Barış Ödülü’ne aday gösterilmesini memnuniyetle karşılamaktadır.

Sevgul Uludag, 2019 Nobel Barış Ödülü’ne, Kanada’daki York Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi Doçenti Anna Agathangelou tarafından Norveç’teki Nobel Komitesi’ne aday gösterildi. “Kayıp şahıslar” konusundaki çok değerli çalışmasının yanı sıra, toplumumuzun sorunlarının demokratik yollarla çözülmesi ve bu hassas konuda iki toplumumuz arasında karşılıklı anlayışın yaratılması için gazetecilik becerilerini kullanmasıyla da aday gösterildi. Ayrıca Kıbrıs’ta yaklaşık yarım asırdır barış ve uzlaşma için çabası ve aktif mücadelesi bu adaylıkla onurlandırıldı.

Sevgül’ün “kayıplar” konusunda yazı yazdığı iki gazete Yenidüzen ve Politis ortak bir bildiriyle şunları bildirdi:

“1958 Lefkoşa doğumlu olan Sevgül Uludağ, 39 yıllık aktif gazetecilik hayatının son 18 yılını “kayıplar”ın gömü yerlerinin bulunmasına, acılı öykülerinin araştırılıp yazılmasına,  her iki toplumdan okurlarını mobilize ederek olası gömü yerlerini göstermelerine ve bu insani konuya gönüllü ve insani katkı yapmalarına adamıştır.

Bu yönde pek çok kez gerek kendisi, gerekse kurumlarımız ciddi tehditlere maruz kalmıştır. Uludağ, bu tehditlere karşı yurtsever bir duruşla, insanlığın evrensel değerlerinin savunucusu olmuştur.”

Geçtiğimiz 13 yıl boyunca Sevgül Uludağ, her iki toplumdan okurları için cep telefonlarıyla gönüllü olarak “Aktif Telefon Hattı” oluşturdu. Okuyucular, bu “Aktif Telefon Hattı” aracılığıyla bilgi vermek amacıyla onu isimsiz olarak arayabilmektedirler. Bu bilgilerden bazıları gazetelerimizde yayınlanırken, bazıları da Kıbrıs Kayıp Şahıslar Komitesi’ne aktarıldı ve böylece, yıllarca süren suçlu sessizlik kırılarak toplumlarımız için insani bir işbirliğinin yolu açılmış oldu…

Sevgül Uludağ, her iki toplumdan “kayıp kişilerin” yakınları ile birlikte çalışarak, kayıp kişilerin yakınları ve savaş mağdurlarından oluşan “Together We Can / Birlikte Başarabiliriz” isimli iki toplumlu bir dernek kurmuştur. Kayıp yakınları ve savaş mağdurları, “ortak bir acıyı” paylaştıklarını kabul edip, hem mezarlık alanlarının aranmasında hem de geçmişte yaşanan şiddetle ilgili barış ve uzlaşma bağlamında toplumun bilincini arttırmak için birlikte çalışmaktadırlar. Sevgül Uludağ bu süreçte oldukça etkili bir rol oynamıştır.

İki Toplumlu Barış İnisiyatifi-Birleşik Kıbrıs’ın kurucu örgütlerinden biri olan “Together We Can” ve bir diğer iki toplumlu oluşum olan “Hands Across the Divide” Sevgül Uludağ’ın kuruluş süreçlerinde aktif olarak emek verdiği örgütlerdir.

Sevgül Uludağ, çalışmaları ve yorulmak bilmez çabaları için “Gazetecilikte Uluslararası Cesaret Ödülü”, “Avrupa Parlamentosu Avrupa Vatandaşlık Ödülü”, “RSF Basın Özgürlüğü Ödülü” gibi çeşitli uluslararası ödüllere layık görülmüş ve yine çalışmalarından dolayı her iki toplumdaki sivil toplum örgütleri tarafından onurlandırılmıştır.

İki Toplumlu Barış İnisiyatifi – Birleşik Kıbrıs, Sevgül Uludağ’ın Nobel Barış Ödülü’ne adaylığını, adanın yeniden birleşmesi, barış ve uzlaşma için mücadele veren iki toplumlu hareketin tümü için bir onur olarak görmektedir.

Destek Veren Örgütler


1             Cyprus Turkish Teachers Trade Union –  KTÖS

2             Cyprus Turkish Secondary Teachers Trade Union – KTOEÖS

3             Customs Workers Trade Union   – GÜÇ-SEN

4             EMU Unity and Solidarity Trade Union – DAÜ-BİR-SEN

5             Turkish Cypriot Civil Servants Trade Union – KTAMS

6             State Workers Trade Union- ÇAĞ-SEN

7             Cyprus Writer’s Union

8             Cyprus Publisher’s Association – KYa B

9             Revolutionary Workers Union Federation Dev- İŞ

10           Movement for a Federal Cyprus

11           Proodeftiki Primary School Teachers movement

12           Proodeftiki Secondary School Teachers movement

13           United Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot Teachers Platform

14           İskele Citizens Initiative

15           Municipal Workers Trade Union – BES

16           Socialist İnitiative

17           United Democrats Youth organization

18           Bi-communal Initiative of Relatives of Missing Persons and Victims of 1963-74 events – Together We Can

19           Epilogi Limassol cultural movement

20           Symfiliosi / Uzlaşma /  Reconciliation

21           Peace Association

22           New Cyprus Association

23           Left Wing

24           Association of Turkish Cypriot Artists and Authors

25           Bi-communal Choir For Peace in Cyprus

26           Cyprus Turkish Physicians Trade Union – TIP-İŞ

27           Publishers Trade Union – BASIN-SEN

28           BARAKA Cultural Group

29           Cooperative Workers Trade Union – KOOP-SEN

30           Turkish Cypriot Association for Democracy (London)

31           Cypriot Science Education Health and Solidarity Association – KIBES

32           KGP

33           Cyprus Youth Platform

34           Limassol Civil İnitiative ‘Solution-Reunification-Peace”

35           Cyprus Reunification Movement

36           German-Cypriot Forum

37           Workers Democracy

38           NGO Support Centre

39           IKME Sociopolitical Studies Institute

40           Hands across the Divide

41           Association of Historical Dialogue and Research

42           United Cyprus Platform of the Overseas Cypriot Organizations

43           Stop the War Coalition

44           Kontea Heritage Foundation

45           GAT -Gender Advisory Team

46           Cyprus Academic Dialogue

47           Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Association

48           Famagusta Our Town

49           Cyprus Sustainability Institute

50            Famagusta Initiative

51           KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism

52           Bicommunal Kyrenia Initiative


54           Enorasis sociocultural club

55           Post Research Institute

56           Politia

57           HASDER

58           HAZINE-SEN

59           Eastern mediterranean University Union of Academic Staff- DAU-SEN

60           Cyprus Song Association – KIBHAD

61           The Management Centre of the Mediterranean

62           Cyprus Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association

63           Feminist ATÖLYE

64           Cyprus Turkish Building Contractor’s Association

65           MAGEM

66           Dayanışma – Solidarity

67           KLIIR

68           Cyprus Association of Social Psychology

69           OPEK – Association for Social Reform

70           Larnaca for Solution – Reunification Movement

71           Unite  Cyprus Now!

72           New Cyprus Party   YKP

73           Cypriots’ Voice

74           Association of Cypriot Refugees in Greece – Cyprus ‘74

75           People’s Peace Platform for Unıted Cyprus (London)

Investigative journalist Sevgul Uludag nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

The Bi-communal Peace Initiative – United Cyprus is welcoming with appreciation the nomination of the investigative journalist Sevgul Uludag for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sevgul Uludag has been nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize to the Norwegian Nobel Committee by Anna Agathangelou, Associate Professor of Political Science at York University in Canada. The nomination has been put forward in recognition of  her very valuable work on “missing persons”, as well as of the use of her journalistic skills for the solution of problems of our communities in democratic ways and creating mutual understanding among our two communities on this sensitive issue. Her efforts and active struggle for peace and reconciliation in Cyprus for almost half a century has also been honoured with this nomination.

Yeniduzen and Politis, the two newspapers where Sevgul is reporting on the question of the “missing”, in a joint statement reported the following:

“Born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1958, Sevgul Uludag has been working as an active investigative journalist for the past 39 years and she has devoted her past 18 years of life in journalism focusing on the sensitive issue of “missing persons”, trying to locate their possible burial sites, investigating and writing their painful and tragic stories, mobilising her readers from both communities for them to show possible burial sites and helping them to contribute voluntarily and in a humanitarian way on this sensitive humanitarian problem.

Both herself and our newspapers got serious threats many times but Uludag defended universal human values with her patriotic stand against these threats.

For the past 13 years Sevgul Uludag has formed voluntarily a “Hot Line” with her mobile phones for her readers from both communities. Through this “Hot Line” her readers can call her anonymously to give information. Some of this information is published in our newspapers, while several others are passed on to the Cyprus Missing Persons’ Committee, thus breaking many years of guilty silence and opening the way of humanitarian cooperation for our communities….”

Sevgul Uludag has worked together with the relatives of “missing persons” from both communities, to set up a bi-communal association of relatives of missing persons and victims of war called “Together We Can”. The relatives of the missing and victims of war, having recognized that they share a “common pain” work together both in search of burial sites but also in raising the awareness of society around the issue of the violence of the past in a process that promotes peace and reconciliation. Towards this end Sevgul Uludag has been instrumental.

“Together We Can” has been a founding member of the Bi-communal Peace Initiative – United Cyprus and so has “Hands Across the Divide” another bi-communal group that Sevgul Uludag has actively worked to set up.

For her work and tireless efforts Sevgul Uludag has received various international awards  like “International Courage in Journalism Award”, “European Parliament Citizen of Europe Prize”, “Press Freedom Award of RSF” and has been honoured by civil society from both communities for her work.

The Bi-communal Peace Initiative – United Cyprus considers the nomination of Sevgul Uludag for the Nobel Peace Prize as an honour for the whole of the bi-communal movement, working for the reunification of the Island, for peace and reconciliation.

Η διερευνητική δημοσιογράφος Sevgül Uludağ υποψήφια για το Βραβείο Νόμπελ Ειρήνης

Η Δικοινοτική Πρωτοβουλία Ειρήνης  – Ενωμένη Κύπρος χαιρετίζει με εκτίμηση την υποψηφιότητα της διερευνητικής δημοσιογράφου Sevgül Uludağ για το βραβείο Νόμπελ Ειρήνης.

Η Sevgül Uludağ προτάθηκε στη Νορβηγική επιτροπή Νόμπελ, για το βραβείο Νόμπελ Ειρήνης 2019, από την Άννα Αγαθαγγέλου, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια Πολιτικών Επιστημών στο Πανεπιστήμιο York του Καναδά. Η υποψηφιότητα προτάθηκε ως αναγνώριση του πολύτιμου έργου της Sevgül στο θέμα των “αγνοούμενων” καθώς και της χρήσης των δημοσιογραφικών της δεξιοτήτων για επίλυση των προβλημάτων των δύο κοινοτήτων με δημοκρατικούς τρόπους και για τη δημιουργία αμοιβαίας κατανόησης μεταξύ τους  σε αυτό το ευαίσθητο ζήτημα. Οι προσπάθειές της και ο ενεργός αγώνας για ειρήνη και συμφιλίωση στην Κύπρο για μισό περίπου αιώνα έχουν επίσης εκτιμηθεί με αυτή την υποψηφιότητα.

H Yeniduzen και o Πολίτης, οι δύο εφημερίδες όπου η Sevgül γράφει για το ζήτημα των “αγνοουμένων”, σε κοινή δήλωση ανέφεραν τα εξής:

“Γεννημένη στη Λευκωσία το 1958, η Sevgül Uludağ έχει αφιερώσει τα τελευταία 18 χρόνια της ζωής της στη δημοσιογραφία, δίνοντας έμφαση στο ευαίσθητο θέμα των «αγνοουμένων», προσπαθώντας να εντοπίσει τους πιθανούς τόπους ταφής τους, ερευνώντας και γράφοντας τις οδυνηρές και τραγικές ιστορίες τους, κινητοποιώντας τους αναγνώστες της και από τις δύο κοινότητες για να δείξουν πιθανούς τόπους ταφής και βοηθώντας τους να συμβάλουν εθελοντικά και με ανθρωπιστικό τρόπο σε αυτό το ευαίσθητο ανθρωπιστικό πρόβλημα.

Τόσο η ίδια, όσο και οι εφημερίδες μας έχουν δεχτεί πολλές φορές σοβαρές απειλές, όμως η Uludağ υπερασπίστηκε τις καθολικές ανθρώπινες αξίες με την πατριωτική της στάση ενάντια σε αυτές τις απειλές.

Τα τελευταία 13 χρόνια η Sevgül Uludağ έχει δημιουργήσει εθελοντικά μια «Ανοικτή Τηλεφωνική Γραμμή» (Hot Line) με τα κινητά της τηλέφωνα για τους αναγνώστες της και από τις δύο κοινότητες. Μέσω αυτών των γραμμών οι αναγνώστες της μπορούν να επικοινωνούν μαζί της ανώνυμα για να δώσουν πληροφορίες. Κάποιες από αυτές δημοσιεύονται στις εφημερίδες μας, ενώ αρκετές άλλες καταθέτει ενώπιον της  Κυπριακής Διερευνητικής Επιτροπής Αγνοουμένων, σπάζοντας έτσι πολύχρονες ένοχες σιωπές και ανοίγοντας το δρόμο της ανθρωπιστικής συνεργασίας για τις κοινότητες μας…. ».

Η Sevgül Uludağ συνεργάστηκε με τους συγγενείς των “αγνοουμένων” από τις δύο κοινότητες, για τη δημιουργία μιας δικοινοτική οργάνωσης συγγενών αγνοουμένων και θυμάτων του πολέμου που ονομάζεται “Μαζί Μπορούμε”. Οι συγγενείς των αγνοουμένων και θυμάτων του πολέμου, αναγνωρίζοντας ότι μοιράζονται έναν «κοινό πόνο», συνεργάζονται τόσο στην αναζήτηση τόπων ταφής, όσο και στην ευαισθητοποίηση της κοινωνίας γύρω από το θέμα της βίας του παρελθόντος σε μια διαδικασία που προωθεί την ειρήνη και τη συμφιλίωση. Προς το σκοπό αυτό, ο ρόλος της Sevgül Uludağ ήταν καθοριστικός.

Η οργάνωση  “Μαζί Μπορούμε” είναι ιδρυτικό μέλος της Δικοινοτικής Πρωτοβουλίας Ειρήνης  – Ενωμένη Κύπρος όπως και το “Hands across the divide”, μια άλλη δικοινοτική ομάδα στη οποία η Sevgül Uludağ εργάστηκε ενεργά για την ίδρυση της.

Η Sevgül Uludağ έχει λάβει διάφορα διεθνή βραβεία για το έργο και τις άοκνες προσπάθειές της, όπως το «Διεθνής Βραβείο για Θάρρος στη δημοσιογραφία», «Βραβείο του Ευρωπαίου Πολίτη» του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, «Βραβείο Ελευθερίας Τύπου της RSF» και τιμήθηκε από την κοινωνία των πολιτών από τις δύο κοινότητες για το έργο της.

Η Δικοινοτική Πρωτοβουλία Ειρήνης  – Ενωμένη Κύπρος θεωρεί την υποψηφιότητα της Sevgül Uludağ για το βραβείο Νόμπελ Ειρήνης ως τιμή για όλο το δικοινοτικό κίνημα, που εργάζεται για την επανένωση του νησιού, για ειρήνη και συμφιλίωση.