İki Toplumlu Barış İnisiyatifi: “Toplumlar arası şiddetin ve savaşın 60 yılının kurbanlarını anıyoruz”



Toplumlar arası şiddetin ve savaşın 60 yılının kurbanlarını anıyoruz

Barışı savunuyoruz ve Yeniden Birleşme için mücadele ediyoruz


Savaş tamtamlarının seslerinin yakınlaşmakta ve gezegenin başka yerlerine de savaşın sıçramasına yol açabilecek derin ekonomik ve toplumsal bir krizin içerisine dünyanın girmekte olduğu,

Yunanistan ve Türkiye arasındaki gerginliğin bölgeyi istikrarsızlaştırmayla tehdit ettiği,


Kıbrıs’ın MEB’inde gerilimin öngörülemeyecek olumsuz sonuçlarla tırmandırıldığı,


Kıbrıs sorununun çözümü için görüşmelerin aşılması güç çıkmazlarla karşı karşıya olmaya devam ettiği ve iki devletli çözümü masaya getirme çabalarının sürdürüldüğü,


Mağusa’nın kapalı kentinin kolonizasyonu gibi toprak üzerinde yaşama geçirilmeye başlayan olumsuz gelişmelerin yaşandığı ve her iki taraftan da önerilen Güven Arttırıcı Önlemlerin samimiyetsiz veya gerçekleştirilmesinin zor olduğunun veya karşı tarafı tahrik etmek için tasarlandığının görüldüğü, ayrıca önerilen Güven Arttırıcı Önlemlerden bazılarının mümkün olan en kısa sürede birleşik federal bir Kıbrıs’a ulaşma hedefiyle resmi görüşmelerin yeniden başlaması için güçlü bir baskı aracı olmaktan ziyade statükoyu uzatma eğiliminde olduğu,


İki taraftan da milliyetçi söylemlerin daha fazla gerginliğe yol açan olumsuz ve tahrik edici bir atmosfer yaratarak özellikle yılın bu döneminde yükseldiği esnada:


Tüm bu yıllar boyunca yaşanan çatışmalar ve savaş sırasında sevdiklerini kaybeden, büyük acılar çeken, yerinden veya mülkünden olan, bu adadaki tüm toplumsal tabakalardan sıradan yurttaşlar olarak biz, ortak bir vizyonu paylaşıyoruz: Yeniden birleşmiş, barış içerisindeki ortak vatan vizyonunu.


İki taraftan da masum kurbanları hatırlamak için bir araya geliyoruz ve barışın yeniden sağlanması ve memleketimizin yeniden birleşmesi için mümkün olan her şeyi yapacağımıza söz veriyoruz.


Milliyetçiliğin ve şiddete dönüşün hâkim olmayacağını duyurmak için bir araya geliyoruz.


Mevcut ekonomik zorlukların aşılması ve insanların hayatlarının iyileştirilmesi hedefiyle tüm topluluklardan insanlar arasındaki temasların, ekonomik ve sosyal işbirliğinin güçlendirilmesi yönünde teşvik edilmesi ve diyaloğun geliştirilmesi için adanın tümünde daha fazla geçiş noktalarının açılmasını talep etmek için bir araya geliyoruz.


Müzakere masasında şimdiye kadar varılan yakınlaşmaları savunmak için bir araya geliyoruz ve BM Genel Sekreteri Antonio Guterres’i siyasi eşitliğe sahip iki bölgeli iki toplumlu bir federasyona götürebilecek tek gerçekçi yol olarak, üzerinde anlaşmaya varılmış olan çözüm çerçevesi ve Crans Montana’da önerdiği çerçeve temelinde görüşme sürecini yeniden başlatma yönünde derhal harekete geçmeye çağırıyoruz.


Taraflar birbirlerine karşı korkunç suçlar işledi, masum insanlar bu suçların kurbanı oldu. Kıbrıs sorununun kökünde bu şiddet yatmaktadır.


Ancak şiddetin ötesinde, diğer taraftan insanları savunmak için hayatlarını dahi riske atarak hayatlar kurtaran çok sayıda sıradan, halktan insan vardı.


Hem geçmişte hem de şimdi bu adada hümanizmi savunan bu insanları onurlandırmaya devam ediyoruz.


Bu yıl özellikle Andreas Evstathiu’yu onurlandırıyoruz. Andreas Evstathiu hayatını tehlikeye atarak, ateşkes hattında her gün süt tozu sağlayarak Mehmet Hulusi Kılıç’ın kızı Birgül Kılıç Yıldırım’a bebekken yardım edip onu kurtardı.


18 Temmuz 2022 Pazartesi akşamı saat: 20.00’de tüm Kıbrıslıları Lefkoşa’nın ara bölgesindeki Ledra Palas önünde bir araya gelerek, toplumlar arası şiddetin ve savaşın 60 yılı aşkın süresinde Kıbrıs’ın tüm toplumlarından masum kurbanları hatırlamaya ve hayatların kurtarılmasına yardımcı olan insanları, özellikle Andreas Evstathiu, Mehmet Hulusi Kılıç, kızı Birgül Kılıç Yıldırım ve bu insani olayı temel alan “Süt Babam” isimli belgeselin yapımcısı Cemal Yıldırım’ı hep birlikte onurlandırmaya çağırıyoruz.


14 Temmuz 2022



List of supporting organizations:


1 Actor’s branch-SIDIKEK PEO
2 AKEL – Progressive Party of the Working People   
3 Anatropi
4 Association of Cypriot Refugees in Greece – Cyprus ‘74
5 Association of Historical Dialogue and Research
6 Association of Turkish Cypriot Artists and Authors
7 Athletic-Cultural Youth  Association ” Peace and Friendship”
8 Australian Peace Initiative for Cyprus (Bi-Communal)
9 Bağımsızlık Yolu
10 BARAKA Cultural Group
11 Barış ve Demokrasi İnisiyatifi
12 Bi-communal Centre “Famagusta Avenue Garage”
13 Bi-communal Choir For Peace – Lena Melanidou  Δικοινοτική χορωδία Ειρήνης _Λένα Μελανιδου
14 Bi-communal Initiative of Relatives of Missing Persons and Victims    of 1963-74 events – Together We Can!
15 Bu Vatan Kıbrıslıların Platformu (This Country Belongs to Cypriots Platform)
16 Cooperative Workers Trade Union – KOOP-SEN
18 CTP Women Organisation
19 CTP Youth
20 Cultural Movement(Kinisi Politismou)
21 Customs Workers Trade Union   – GÜÇ-SEN
22 Cypriot Science Education Health and Solidarity Association – KIBES
23 Cypriotism Movement
24 Cypriots’ Voice
25 Cyprus Academic Dialogue
26 Cyprus Association of Social Psychology
27 Cyprus Environmental Movement (Perivallontiki Kinisi)
28 Cyprus Peace Council
29 Cyprus Publisher’s Association – KYa B
30 Cyprus Reunification Movement
31 Cyprus Song Association – KIBHAD
32 Cyprus Sustainability Institute
33 Cyprus Turkish Physicians Trade Union – TIP-İŞ
34 Cyprus Turkish Secondary Teachers Trade Union – KTOEÖS
35 Cyprus Turkish Teachers Trade Union –  KTÖS
36 Cyprus Writer’s Union
37 Cyprus Youth Platform
38 Decision for Peace (Απόφαση Ειρήνης)
39 Eastern mediterranean University Union of Academic Staff- DAU-SEN
42 EMU Unity and Solidarity Trade Union – DAÜ-BİR-SEN
43 Enfield Cypriots Association (Bi-communal)
44 Enorasis sociocultural club
45 Epilogi Limassol cultural movement
46 FamagustaFor Cyprus party  – Αμμοχωστος για την Κύπρο
47 Famagusta Initiative
48 Famagusta Our Town
49 Feminist ATÖLYE
50 Freedom Initiative – Özgürlük İnisiyatifi 
51 GAT -Gender Advisory Team
52 German-Cypriot Forum
53 Girne Düşünce Derneği
54 Hade!
55 Hands across the Divide
58 Home for Cooperation
59 IKME Sociopolitical Studies Institute
61 İskele Citizens Initiative
63 KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism
65 Kontea Heritage Foundation
66 Larnaca for Solution – Reunification Movement
67 Left Wing – Αριστερή Πτέρυγα
68 Limassol Civil İnitiative ‘Solution-Reunification-Peace”
70 Movement for a Federal Cyprus
71 Municipal Workers Trade Union – BES
72 New Cyprus Association
73 New Cyprus Party   YKP
74 New Internationalist Left
75 NGO Support Centre
76 OPEK – Association for Social Reform
77 Pancyprian Federation of Trade Unions PEO
78 Peace & Solidarity Initiative with Cyprus (P.E.A.K)
79 Peace Association
80 People’s Peace Platform for Unıted Cyprus (London)
81 POGO  Women’s Movement
82 Post Research Institute
83 Proodeftiki Primary School Teachers movement
84 Proodeftiki Secondary School Teachers movement
85 Proodeftiki Student Association
86 Proodeftiki Technical Schools
87 Publishers Trade Union – BASIN-SEN
88 Revolutionary Workers Union Federation Dev- İŞ
89 Socialist İnitiative (Protovoulia Socialiston)
90 Sol Hareket
91 State Workers Trade Union- ÇAĞ-SEN
92 Stop the War Coalition
93 SYKESO  – Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Στήριξης της Οικογένειας- Advisory Centre for Family support
94 Symfiliosi / Uzlaşma /  Reconciliation
96 TDP Youth
97 The Management Centre of the Mediterranean
98 Third Community Forum
99 TKP
100 Toplumsal İradeye Saygı Platformu (Respect to Societal Will Platform)
101 Turkish Cypriot Association for Democracy (London)(KTDD)
102 Turkish Cypriot Civil Servants Trade Union – KTAMS
104 Unite  Cyprus Now!
105 United Cyprus Party BKP
106 United Cyprus Platform of  Overseas Cypriots
107 United Democrats Youth organization
108 United Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot Teachers Platform
109 We want Federation Left Movement  –  Αριστερή Κίνηση  Θέλουμε Ομοσπονδία
110 Workers Democracy – Εργατική Δημοκρατία
111 Yeşil Barış Hareketi – Green Action Group
113 BES


Common Declaration


Remembering the victims of more than 60 years of intercommunal violence and war

We pledge to fight for Reunification and defend Peace!


At a time when:


The drums of war are sounding in the distance and the world is sinking into a deep economic and social crisis that may cause spillover of war to other parts of the globe


Tension between Greece and Turkey threatens to destabilize the area


Tension in the Cyprus EEZ is rising with unpredictable consequences


The negotiations for the Solution of the Cyprus problem continue to face an insurmountable impasse while the efforts to put the two state solution on the table continue.


Negative steps, such as the opening of the fenced off area of Varosha, are becoming a reality on the ground, while the Confidence Building Measures proposed by the two sides appear either insincere and difficult to implement or are designed to provoke the other side. Also the character of some proposed CBMs tends to prolong the status quo rather than be a strong leverage to the resumption of result oriented formal negotiations, aimed at a United Federal Cyprus without further delay.


Nationalist rhetoric from both sides is on the rise particularly at this period of the year, creating a negative and provocative political atmosphere that leads to further tension


We, the people of this island from all walks of life, people who have suffered all these years, whether through the loss of loved ones, through suffering at times of conflict and war, through forced displacement or loss of property, share one common vision: that of a reunited, peaceful common homeland.


We stand together to remember the innocent victims from both sides and to pledge that we shall do everything possible to establish peace and reunify our island.


We stand together to allow no room for nationalism and prevent any likelihood of further violence in our common homeland!


We stand together to demand the opening of more crossing points accross the Island, to improve dialogue and encourage further contact to increase economic and social cooperation among people from all communities aiming at improving the lives of people and at overcoming the current economic hardship


We stand together to defend the convergences achieved to date at the negotiating table calling upon the UN Secretary General Mr Antonio Guterres to immediately reconvene the negotiations on the agreed basis of the solution and the framework he had proposed at Crans Montana as the only pragmatic route that can lead to a Bi-communal, Bi-zonal Federation with Political Equality.


Atrocious crimes have been committed from by both sides with innocent people being the victims of these crimes. This violence lies in the root of the Cyprus problem. Yet violence has not been the rule. There are widespread incidences of common people risking their lives to defend people of the other side and actually saving their lives. We have in the past and continue to honour these people as people who have defended humanity on this Island. This year we pay special tribute to Antreas Efstathiou who helped save the baby girl Birgül Kilich Yildirim, the daughter of Mehmet Hulusi Kilich by providing powder milk over the ceasfire line daily, endangering his life.



We invite all Cypriots on 18th July, 2022 at 8:00pm at the Ledra Palace buffer zone :


To remember the innocent victims from all communities over more than 60 years of conflict and war and honour people who have helped to save lives paying special tribute to Antreas Efstathiou and Mehmet Hulusi Kilich and his daughter Birgül Kilich Yildirim and Cemal Yildirim, the producer of the documentary film called “Süt Babam” (“My Milk Father”) based on this humanitarian story.


14th July, 2022




Μνημονεύουμε τα θύματα 60 χρόνων διακοινοτικής βίας και πολέμου

Υπερασπιζόμαστε την Ειρήνη  και αγωνιζόμαστε για την Επανένωση



Την ώρα που:


Τα τύμπανα του Πολέμου ηχούν πλησιέστερα προς εμάς και ο κόσμος βυθίζεται σε βαθιά οικονομική και κοινωνική κρίση, η οποία μπορεί να προκαλέσει την εξάπλωση του πολέμου και σε άλλα μέρη του πλανήτη,


Η ένταση ανάμεσα σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία απειλεί να αποσταθεροποιήσει την περιοχή,


Η ένταση στην ΑΟΖ της Κύπρου κλιμακώνεται με ανυπολόγιστες συνέπειες,


Οι συνομιλίες για τη Λύση του Κυπριακού προβλήματος συνεχίζουν να αντιμετωπίζουν ανυπέρβλητα αδιέξοδα, ενώ συνεχίζουν οι προσπάθειες για να τεθεί στο τραπέζι η λύση δύο κρατών,


Αρνητικές εξελίξεις, όπως ο το άνοιγμα της περίκλειστης πόλης της Αμμοχώστου που άρχισαν να υλοποιούνται επι του εδάφους, ενώ τα  Μέτρα Οικοδόμησης Εμπιστοσύνης που έχουν προταθεί από τις δύο πλευρές παρουσιάζονται είτε ανειλικρινή, είτε δύσκολο να υλοποιηθούν, είτε έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να προκαλέσουν την άλλη πλευρά.  Επίσης ο χαρακτήρας ορισμένων ΜΟΕ που έχουν προταθεί τείνουν να επιμηκύνουν το status quo αντί να αποτελέσουν ένα ισχυρό μοχλό πίεσης για την επανέναρξη στοχοπροσηλομένων επίσημων συνομιλιών για την επίτευξη μιας ενωμένης ομόσπονδης Κύπρου το συντομότερο δυνατόν.


Η Εθνικιστική ρητορική και από τις δύο πλευρές, βρίσκεται στα ύψη, ιδιαίτερα αυτή την περίοδο του χρόνου, δημιουργώντας μια αρνητική και προκλητική ατμόσφαιρα η οποία οδηγεί σε περαιτέρω ένταση


Εμείς, οι απλοί άνθρωποι  αυτού του νησιού,  προερχόμενοι από όλα τα κοινωνικά στρώματα, άνθρωποι που έχουν υποφέρει όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, είτε με την απώλεια αγαπημένων προσώπων, είτε μέσα από τις ταλαιπωρίες στη διάρκεια των συγκρούσεων και του πολέμου, είτε μέσα από το ξεριζωμό ή την απώλεια  περιουσίας, μοιραζόμαστε ένα κοινό όραμα: Αυτό της επανενωμένης, ειρηνικής κοινής πατρίδας.


Στεκόμαστε ενωμένοι και τιμούμε τη μνήμη των αθώων θυμάτων και από τις δύο πλευρές και δίνουμε υπόσχεση ότι θα πράξουμε κάθε τι το δυνατό για να αποκατασταθεί η ειρήνη και να επανενωθεί ο τόπος μας.


Στεκόμαστε ενωμένοι για να μην αφήσουμε χώρο στον εθνικισμό και να αποτρέψουμε την πιθανότητα επανάληψης της βίας στην κοινή μας πατρίδα.


Στεκόμαστε ενωμένοι για να απαιτήσουμε το άνοιγμα περισσότερων σημείων διέλευσης σε ολόκληρο το νησί, για να βελτιωθεί ο διάλογος, να ενθαρρυνθούν περαιτέρω  οι επαφές για την ενίσχυση της  οικονομικής και κοινωνικής  συνεργασίας ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους από όλες τις κοινότητες με στόχο τη βελτίωση της ζωής των ανθρώπων και  το ξεπέρασμα της παρούσας οικονομικής δυσπραγίας

Στεκόμαστε ενωμένοι για να υπερασπιστούμε τις συγκλίσεις που έχουν επιτευχθεί μέχρι σήμερα στο τραπέζι των συνομιλιών και καλούμε το Γενικό Γραμματέα του ΟΗΕ κ. Αντώνιο Γκουτιέρες, άμεσα να δρομολογησει την επανεναρξη των συνομιλιών στη βάση του συμφωνημένου πλαισίου λύσης και του πλαισίου που είχε προτείνει στο Κρανς Μοντάνα, ως το μόνο ρεαλιστικό δρόμο που μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε μια Δικοινοτική Διζωνική Ομοσπονδία με Πολιτική Ισότητα


Φρικτά εγκλήματα έχουν διαπραχθεί από τη μια πλευρά σε βάρος της άλλης, με αθώους ανθρώπους να είναι τα θύματα αυτών των εγκλημάτων. Αυτή η βία βρίσκεται στη ρίζα του Κυπριακού προβλήματος. Ωστόσο πέρα από τη βία υπήρχε ένας μεγάλος αριθμός  απλών ανθρώπων οι οποίοι με κίνδυνο της ζωής τους υπερασπίστηκαν ανθρώπους από την άλλη πλευρά, σώζοντας ουσιαστικά τις ζωές τους.


Και στο παρελθόν και τώρα συνεχίζουμε να τιμούμε αυτούς τους ανθρώπους, τους ανθρώπους που έχουν υπερασπιστεί τον ανθρωπισμό σε αυτό το Νησί. Αυτή τη χρονιά τιμούμε ιδιαίτερα τον Αντρέα Ευσταθίου, ο οποίος βοήθησε και έσωσε το κοριτσάκι- βρέφος Birgül Kilich Yildirim, την κόρη του Mehmet Hulusi Kilich παρέχοντας του σκόνη γάλακτος, καθημερινά, δια μέσου της ζώνης  κατάπαυσης του πυρός, διακινδυνεύοντας τη ζωή του.


Στις 18 Ιουλίου, 2022, στις 8.00 μμ, καλούμε όλους τους Κύπριους, έξω από το Λήδρα Πάλας, στην ουδέτερη ζώνη:


 Να θυμηθούμε, τα αθώα θύματα από όλες τις κοινότητες της Κύπρου, θύματα πέραν των 60 χρόνων  συγκρούσεων και πολέμου  και να τιμήσουμε τους ανθρώπους που βοήθησαν να σωθούν ζωές, με ιδιαίτερη μνεία στον Αντρέα Ευσταθίου, και  Mehmet Hulusi Kilich και της κόρης του,  Birgül Kilich Yildirim, καθώς και τον Cemal Yildirim, τον παραγωγό του ντοκιμαντέρ που βασίζεται σε αυτή την ανθρωπιστική ιστορία,  με τίτλο Süt Babam” -“My Milk Father”-«το Γάλα της Ειρήνης»


14 Ιουλίου, 2022