Dünya Sendikalar Federasyonu Başkanlık Konseyi Toplantısına Katıldık


Dünya Sendikalar Federasyonu – DSF / World Federation of Trade Union – WFTU 2023 Yıllık Başkanlık Konseyi Toplantısı, 3-4 Mart 2023 tarihlerinde Lefkoşa – Kıbrıs’ta, DSF liderliğini oluşturan ve 105 milyon çalışanı  temsil eden 32 ülkeden 50 delegenin katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi.

Dünya Sendikalar Federasyonu’na üye olan Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde örgütlü sendikalarımız KTAMS, DEV-İŞ, KOOP-SEN, KTÖS VE KTOEÖS; PEO Genel Merkezinde düzenlenen WFTU 2023 Başkanlık Konseyi toplantısına katıldı.

İlk gün programı, delegelerin PEO İşçi Müzesi’ni ziyaret etmesiyle başladı ve işçi sınıfının isimsiz kahramanları anıtına çelenk ve çiçek kondu.

WFTU Başkanı Mzwandile Makwayiba toplantının açılışını gerçekleştirmesinin ardından PEO Genel Sekreteri Sotiroula Charalambous karşılama konuşması yaptı.

WFTU Genel Sekreteri Pambis Kyritsis, WFTU 2022 Eylem Raporu Videosu gösterimi sonrası yaptığı açılış konuşmasıyla delegelere seslendi.


WFTU Başkanı Mzwandile Makwayiba’nın kapanış konuşması: (İngilizce)


CYPRUS 3-4th  MARCH 2023




I believe that these two days here in Cyprus we had a fairly rich and creative discussion which touched in one way or another all aspects of our action and our political, ideological and trade union intervention among workers and their unions.


An open and democratic discussion in a spirit of criticism and self-criticism, in a constructive and creative spirit, without subjectivity and expediency.


This shows health for our Federation. It is a moral advantage that unites and that gives strength to action and struggles.


The attendance at the meeting was quite good. We had 50 delegates from 32 countries.


I do not want to comment on the critical opinions that have been heard. We have recorded them with respect and will take them seriously in order to continuously improve.


I think it is no coincidence that those who in 2005 were smiling condescendingly at our determination to renew and support the WFTU to maintain the class pole within the labor movement, those who rested in their “certainty” that the era of the games is over and the WFTU is a done deal, today they feel the need to run after us, attack us in unfair and dishonest ways, silence us and monopolize worker representation.


It’s because they’ve been feeling our breath for a few years now. They feel exposed and threatened.


The fairy tale promoted by the indemnity, that neoliberal capitalism distributes prosperity equally, that struggles and class struggle can be replaced by more civilized processes in trading rooms rather than collective bargaining, this fairy tale has collapsed.


The reality of workers today is the crisis, the deep and prolonged, systemic crisis and anti-popular, anti-labor attack on rights, living standards, democratic and trade union freedoms.


It is this reality that is mobilizing and agitating today millions of workers around the world in mass mobilizations which in many cases are unprecedented and unusually militant.


This is why it is worthwhile to reinforce and strengthen the WFTU. To make our mechanisms more efficient and active at all levels.


For our contribution and intervention to be more substantial so that it is able to lead the workers to a class orientation, to illuminate in their consciousness the way to claim a different, better world without social inequalities and without exploitation of man by man.


I personally feel more optimistic after this meeting.


Despite our weaknesses which are real and many, despite the difficulties and attacks, despite the negative associations which still dominate in many areas of our planet, despite the mechanisms of manipulation of public opinion which have been activated and the illusions cultivated in sections of the working-class order, however, the mood of reaction and resistance of the workers strengthens and takes on dimensions.


The corrupt, the surrendered, the Vicentini and what they express can give neither vision nor perspective to the workers.


Only the path of class struggle can provide this perspective.


We must keep this road open with all our strength, because it is the only road that leads to the exit from capitalist barbarism, that leads to socialism and social liberation.


Dear Comrades,


In closing this two-day session, please allow me again on behalf of everyone, to thank PEO for the really excellent organization and the wonderful hospitality.


I would also like to thank those who helped in one way or another for the smooth running of our session, the translators, the technicians, those who offered the coffees, the WFTU staff members who were constantly on the alert to keep everything running as smoothly as possible.


I thank them all.


I thank all the participants for their patience and cooperation and I wish you a good return home and to your families and good continuation in work and in the struggle.